Are you needing to stop (or start) a Cloud Player Pro video with JavaScript? I was! The problem is that the Player Id changes on every refresh of the page. This means that the first order of business is to get the variable ID, then invoke the stop() , or start() functions. The easiest way […]
For Business Photos… Use Actual Employees!
One of the easiest way to let people know that you’re not a serious company is to use stock photos. It becomes very clear when using the same people we have seen all over the internet. Let’s take the girl on the right for example. I figure we had seen enough of her. I am […]
Fastest way to get something indexed by Google
I have been building websites since 1998, yes that is a long time, I have built up a pretty vast knowledge of how they work. You might say, “I have a very particular set of skills” which allows me to find ways to break websites solely for the purpose of either: Avoiding those problems when developing, […]
File / Directory Sizes in Linux
Just a few notes for anyone who has the luck of playing server admin. This is not a full list, just things I happened to be playing with when I wrote this. Comment below if you think something should be added. Mounted Partition Sizes df -H Directory Sizes du -H . For a specific directory […]
Google Chrome Tracking Your Every Move
As an SEO it is useful for me to have browser with multiple personas so I can see how things change based on what has happened previously. I use Firefox as my primary browser, IE for different types of searches, and Google Chrome as my “never click on anything because it will alter your next […]
Cox DVR Problems… Are they really, “Your Friend In The Digital Age?”
Note: They did provide a solution to this issue, it turns out that the older “Scientific America Explorer”, and “Cisco HD” boxes use the same software which is known to Cox to be a problem. The only real solution so far has been to upgrade to the new “Whole Home DVR” receiver which uses a […]
CPanel: Sorry, you must have a dedicated ip to use this feature for the user:
I didn’t see this anywhere so I figure I’d post it. One thing that is never mentioned is that: The account CAN NOT be a Reseller. Check in: Main >> Resellers >> Reseller Center If the account is a Reseller, if it is Remove it.
CPanel dedicated site to shared
In managing servers you always come across something that is not the way you want it. The admin before me used 1 IP address per domain, which would be fine, if there was a need for that. The reason behind that was to reduce competitor spying, but having 30 sites on their own IP address […]
Technorati – Claiming Your Blog Issue
I was doing a little SEO investigating using the SEOMoz tools to see where some of my competitors are getting their juice links from and noticed that Technorati, the blog aggregate site, has a SEOMoz Domain Authority score of 100, the highest possible. Instead of adding a new blog entry I figure I would just […]
Sex – It Shows Up Everywhere
It’s amazing how the word sex attracts so much attention. Is it the word itself or that it has an x in it? Other words like Sox, Axe, and the company Dex all seem to catch your attention in ways other words do not. After reading a few books on subliminal suggestive ads a few […]